Saturday, June 13, 2009

recently while browsing the internets, i came across two deeply unsettling photographs, ones that make me embarrassed to be an American. No, they aren't pictures of Army men torturing prisoners, they aren't pictures of Miley Cyrus. They are, in fact, merely portraits of every-day, regular people who show exactly what is wrong with this great country of ours.

Exhibit 1:

while i'm not sure exactly what this man is protesting (fashion and grammar both viable options), to me he represents the worst american mindset. people thinking they are better than everyone else because they are from the good old U.S. of A, but in demonstrating their "superiority", they make a typical white-trash error such as spelling a simple 6 letter word incorrectly, thus making a mockery out of themselves. i mean, let's just take a look at the picture. i see a man with a mullet and a handkerchief tied around his head. he's holding two patriotic signs proudly and he sports designer-imposter ray bans. to his right, we see a midriff-baring woman who is holding a sign that i've been scrutinizing for way too long and have thus concluded says "freedom rings". so seriously, you people, just WHO are you calling a "moran"? I mean really, if you're going to make a statement, make sure it's grammatically correct and try to look more life you have a house and less like said house is a trailer.

Exhibit 2:

Let me just start off by saying, these people have since been banned from Disneyland. Unfortunately for all, they were not banned from LIFE as would have been more appropriate. So many things are wrong with this picture, it's hard to know where to start. I suppose with the fact that the middle woman is holding a beer and it's they daytime, but to call her out on that would be calling the kettle black, as I'm a big fan of daydrinking. So let's start with the fact that this is a daughter with her parents. A mother and daughter duo and a proud pop. A pop proud of his wife and little girl walking around with their boobs hanging out of their shirts a la regina george. Bouncing down Main Street, USA with their lady parts available to all eyes. The eyes of the children who are just trying to enjoy their day in the magical kingdom without being assaulted with these sexually explicit images. As if this wasn't bad enough, these trashy a-holes have further insulted their fellow citizens by desecrating one of the greatest Americans accomplishments of all time - the beloved Mickey & Minnie Mouse. This seriously causes me more pain than when Jen & Brad broke up. Because who has two thumbs, a Little Mermaid fetish and still screams with delight when the line is shorter than anticipated? THIS GIRL. This blatant and disgusting display of disrespect makes me want to behead these idiots. And look at the dad smile! Like "ooh i'm so proud of my mother/daughter slut team and the way they take the best of American and immediately turn it into the worst! I've done so well in raising a good, solid family! Kudos to me!"

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