Thursday, June 11, 2009

life goals for my 21st year on this planet:

I. Actual Goals That I'm Pretty Confident I Can Achieve
a. get in shape. a shape that is not doughy or round. a shape that is made by exercise and sweat rather than otterpops for breakfast. why i can do this: because chasing four 3 year olds around the pool, convincing them that sitting on the stairs is infinitely more fun than going down the slide is just another name for running with water resistance built right in. and lifting the obese children in and out of the pool is great for the arms. i could even make a work-out video!
b. read 52 books before my next birthday, the big 2-2. 52 new books. i will not allow myself to simply read Sorcerer's Stone fifty-two times. Or, I can (and will), but have to read 52 other books as well. why i can do this: i like to read. my mom buys books to appear educated and trendy (a lot of Oprah's seal of approval in this house), so my supply is undiminishable. i will also have time to do this because i hate the time right in between being awake and being asleep, so it's preferable if i'm reading and then just oop! all of a sudden it's morning and a book is on my chest.
c. make an effort to save more/spend less. this seems prudent given the recession, and the fact that at best i'm a poor collegiate. why i can do this: because life depends on it. when it comes to these life/death decisions, i'm generally good at prioritizing (unless alcohol is involved, or if i think the fun-ness of a deathly idea has the potential to make a reeeeally cool obituary).
d. watch more artsy indie movies and less abc family channel original movies. because now that i can legally drink, i think it's time to cut that cord. and i enjoy appearing cultured. and i really did like slumdog millionaire. why i can do this: because in watching Melissa Joan Hart & Joey Lawrence in My Fake Fiance, I know I've already seen the best of the abc fam originals.

II. Maybe/Maybe Not Goals:
a. ride my bicycle to work every day. the maybe: because it's good for the environment and my body (per goal 1a). because it's a 7 minute ride tops, and because my dad is pimpin' out my bike as we speak (can you say "fresh new handlebars"?). maybe not: because i am clairvoyant and know that there is going to be some miserable, rainy, mid-summer portland morning when, at 8:40am, i'm going to hear every fiber of my warm-and-comfy loving body shout out, "passat wagon, passat wagon", and those cries are going to be louder than mother nature's demure whisper to save the earth.
b. get a 4.0 senior year. the maybe: because it's not like i go to harvard. because i spend a looot of time on facebook/reading harry potter aloud with certain roomies/drinking my body weight and stumbling around the unforgiving streets of worcester, and if i dedicated that time to studying, the possibilities are endless. the maybe not: because i am reeeally looking forward to ridiculous nights at the blarney, interacting with the local woo-rats. because i'm not really interested in my classes next semester, and because my capstone will be at 9am on a friday morning.
c. use less. the maybe: it gives my computer viruses and makes safari freeze as soon as i get onto perez. so i'm missing a lot of vital celeb-world information, which is simply inexcusable. maybe not: because a lot of the time, all i really want is to relive the glory days of the Bartlett administration, or watch a first season bones episode to see how much the sexual tension has grown (which is a lot, in case you were wondering).
d. eat breakfast every day. the maybe: i hear this is good for you. and i do really love breakfasty foods like waffles and pancakes and even a solid bowl of regular cheerios. the maybe not: because i also like sleep. and making pancakes or waffles is a commitment that could shave at least a half hour off of my sleeping time, which i just can't condone.

III. Hey, A Girl Can Dream, Right? Goals:
a. become friends with sophia bush and hilarie burton via the plan outlined in an earlier blog entry. why this will never happen: they are cool and famous. i am neither of those things. also, the part of the plan that relies on them reading my blog might also make them think that i am some crazy stalker...or a 13 year girl. either one of these two things.
b. go to dc, befriend michelle, break into her closet, and steal many of her hybrid trendy/classic dresses. why this will never happen: white house security these days? well that shit's no joke. so unless i retain the ability to become invisible, or become a top Obama official with passcode knowledge, i'd get shot in any attempt i made to get into that closet.
c. convince one of my less smarts-endowed friends to have a baby so that i can play with it all the time but not have to be pregnant. why this will never happen: none of my friends are actually that stupid, and i suppose i'm not truly that morally bankrupt.
d. be on college jeopardy and win. why this will never happen: because even though college jeopardy is SO EASY, the qualifying test is harder than regular jeopardy. is this just? no, alex trebek, it most certainly is not. no wonder only complete nerds get on and then can't answer the $200 question in "Academy Award Winners 2007". A category I would sweep.

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