Thursday, May 28, 2009

in middle school, we girls would giggle our way through creating "top fives", a list of the five boys that had won us over with their prepubescent charm that particular week. Recently, I was thinking back on those days with rose-colored glasses when the harsh truth of reality hit me that were I to make a similar list today, not only would it be comprised of people I didn't personally know, it would really only include fictional characters. That's right, I have reached the point in my single-girl life that my fantasies have become so deluded that my dream men don't even exist in real life, let alone in my life. Therefore, I now present to you...

My Top 5 Fictional Characters With Whom I'd Like To Be Married

5. Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones is exactly what I aspire to be: half-time historian, half-time sleuth, full-time badass. He's a professor, so he's a smarty-pants, but he's not afraid of living in the fast lane. While he might covet adventure and women more than I'd like (especially when we have kids), he's savvy enough to remain relatively unmaimed even as he swings on a collapsed suspension bridge while spears are being shot his way. That takes some serious skill! Furthermore, have you seen that man work his whip? Enough said.

4. Dr. Spencer Reid of "Criminal Minds"

I'm not exactly sure why this geek appeals to me so much, but God he does. Usually, I'm not that into dudes with long hair, but I'm thinking it's his impeccable bone structure that really makes up for it. He also has a photographic memory, so he would never forget my birthday or our anniversary. Sure, working for the FBI does expose him to things like anthrax and the occasional kidnap and torture, but I mean, Who Haven't? He's been working out to ensure that doesn't happen again, so he's buff, and he's been called a certified genius more than once. What's not to love?

3. Mr. Darcy

One of my favorite things is people who have a tough outer shell but a heart of gold (B. Davis, Temperance Brennan, etc). This describes Darcy perfectly - he may act all masculine and tempermental (which he is in allll the right ways), but when it comes down to it, he'll always do the right thing and follow his heart. He's a doting older brother, and MAN is he rich! He's well read and likes a little spitfire in a woman, which I would be more than willing to provide. Plus, he sure does give a great "listen bitch I'm in love with you" speech. He might rank #1 in that category.

2. Lucas Scott of "One Tree Hill"

He's an athlete and a scholar - the best of both worlds, as my friend Miley might say. He quotes literary greats like it's his job, he can fix a car like it's no big thing, and I'll be damned if he doesn't have some serious integrity. That Karen Roe really raised her son right. Lucas always tries to do what's right, even if it means self-sacrificing himself to live in his manipulative father's house. He's a true philanthropist, always thinking of others. He might need a few reminders to keep his hair from growing too long and looking like a boy band-er, but I'm sure he's worth the trouble.

1. Ron Weasley

Sure, he's not rich like Darcy, a genius like Spencer, an adventurer like Indy or an athlete like Lucas, but Ron Weasley has heart. Both his and mine. Despite the fact that he's a wizard (a fact that makes me love him all the more), he's probably the most attainable of all fictional characters on this list. He's not the superhero Harry, but he's loyal, dependable, and endearingly imperfect. Ron Weasley just wants to matter in this world, and riddle me a nobler cause. He has proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with whether he's on the Quidditch pitch or fighting Voldy and his Death Eater cronies. He simply tries his hardest and does the best he can. And who wouldn't want Molly Weasley for a mother in law?!

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